Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Inside of Italy: MILAN

 The hardest thing about these past few days have been waking up, knowing that we would have to leave our beautiful villa in Tuscany.  As much as I have loved being out in the country, I was aching to see what we would do or what we would see in Milan.  Waking up on the last day (Friday) to head to Milan was definitely sad after a great week-long away from the city.  But we all packed up our stuff and headed out to the bus before making the long 5 hour trek to Milan.  On the way there, I was able to sleep for maybe 2 hours, but I did like how it was raining on the way there.  Once we got to Milan, it looked so beautiful inside and out.  More like an Italian version of Nancy (a similar city in France where I was close to for those of you that don't know where Nancy is), the streets were long and filled with stores and shops and the Milanese; if that's what they're called.  After settling in the hotel for a half an hour, as a group, we went down to the Metro and started making our way downtown for shopping.  As a girl, I'm not very fond of shopping.  But in Milan, it was an adventure.  First time being around a group of girls and just not having a care, really.  

After a few hours of shopping and rain (no surprise there), Kerry, Andrea, Anna, and I headed back to the hotel after getting some dinner at a Kebab place.  YUM.  At the hotel, Kerry, Andrea, and I just chilled in one of our room's and ended up just watching cartoons on TV while relaxing.  Pretty fun really since we ended up reading Cosmo in various accents.  Yes there is video, but for our eyes only. Mwuahaha.  The next day before going to the opera, I joined up with Patrick, Trevor, and Kerry and we all made our way to the Duomo and then went window-shopping after walking around the top.  Pretty much a very relaxing day before going to the opera and looking in designer stores knowing that I couldn't afford a thing.  Probably a good thing though considering what Milan considers "fashion", I consider it as "why the hell is this considered fashion".

Last thing to possibly due in Milan was, of course, going to La Scala for Götterdämmerung on the last day of Italy.  Somehow, Kerry and I are always finding ourselves alone in a booth and it makes it amazing without having to worry about people sitting in front of us or not being able to see the entire opera.  The six hours were brutal only during the first Act, but I really enjoyed the theater and absolutely loved the orchestra.  I cannot get over how phenomenal the brass section was throughout the entire thing.  After the opera, the group split for dinner and went our own way, knowing we'd have to get back to only pack our suitcases and wait to leave only five hours later for the airport.  I can't  believe we have to go home already.  


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